Advanced Composites Center


ACC Advisory Board (ACC-AB)

The ACC-AB provides advice on administrative, operational and fiscal issues on the center operations. It includes chairs of departments and industrial members from strategic partners.

Christine Luscombe

Christine Luscombe

Professor and Interim Chair, Materials Science and Engineering
Research Area: Semiconducting polymers
Faculty Web Page

Kristi Morgansen

Kristi Morgansen

Professor and Chair, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Research Area: Dynamical systems, Controls
Faculty Web Page

Per Reinhall

Per Reinhall

Professor and Chair, Mechanical Engineering
Founding Director, BARC
Research Area: Structural dynamics, Computing, Riveting, Manufacturing
Faculty Web Page

David Song

David Song

Principal Technologist
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing, Blue Origin

Tia Benson-Tolle

Tia Benson Tolle

Director of Advanced Materials
Product Development, Boeing

ACC Leads

The ACC leads manage the day-to-day center operations and interface with the SAC and AC.

Marco Salviato

Marco Salviato

Associate Professor, Aeronautics & Astronautics
Co-Director, ACC
Scientific Advisory Committee, BARC/ACC
Research Area: Multiscale, computational modeling and optimization, Advanced Materials, Additive Manufacturing
Faculty Web Page

Junlan Wang

Junlan Wang

Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Co-Director, ACC
Scientific Advisory Committee, BARC/ACC
Research Area: Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Mechanical Characterization
Faculty Web Page

Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)

The SAC makes decisions on operations including space, equipment, research and teaching in the ACC.

Ashis Banerjee

Ashis Banerjee

Assistant Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering; Mechanical Engineering
Scientific Advisory Committee, BARC/ACC
Research Area: Data Science, Industrial Engineering, Robotics
Faculty Web Page

Xu Chen

Xu Chen

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Scientific Advisory Committee, BARC/ACC
Research Area: Controls, Robotics, Manufacturing
Faculty Web Page

Sam Pedigo

Sam Pedigo

Boeing Robotics Engineer, Boeing R&T
​Affiliate Faculty, Mechanical Engineering
Research Area: Robotic Manufacturing

Marco Salviato

Marco Salviato

Associate Professor, Aeronautics & Astronautics
Scientific Advisory Committee, BARC/ACC
Research Area: Multiscale, computational modeling and optimization, Advanced Materials, Additive Manufacturing
Faculty Web Page

Junlan Wang

Junlan Wang

Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Co-lead, ACC
Scientific Advisory Committee, BARC/ACC
Research Area: Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Mechanical Characterization
Faculty Web Page

Navid Zobeiry

Navid Zobeiry

Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
Scientific Advisory Committee, BARC
Research Area: Manufacturing of Composites, Material Characterization and Simulation, Machine Learning
Faculty Web Page